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B. Minutes - January 18, 2012, Approved
JANUARY 18, 2012
A meeting of the Salem Historical Commission was held on Wednesday, January 18, 2012 at 7:30 pm at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Ms. Herbert, Ms. Bellin, Ms. Harper, Ms. McCrea, Mr. Spang and Mr. Hart.

Ms. Keenan arrived later in the meeting.

390 Essex Street

Ms. Bellin abstained from the discussion and joined the audience.

Steven Sass and Ellen Golub submitted an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness to install two iron railings for the front entrance.  The spindles will be straight, not twisted.

Documents & Exhibits
  • Application
  • Photographs
Ms. Herbert asked if the railing he purchased will fit.

Mr. Sass replied in the affirmative.

Ms. McCrea asked if there were railings there originally.

Mr. Sass stated that he thought there was at one time, because there are holes in the granite.  He stated that the Building Inspector has is requiring that he install railings.  He stated that he would also like the option to put the same iron railing on the other set of stairs, instead of the approved wood railing.

Ms. Herbert stated that he would have to apply for the other side.

Mr. Spang asked if the purchased railings created any dimensional issues with Building Department.

Mr. Sass stated that he will talk to the Building Inspector prior to installation.

Mr. Hart stated that there may be a requirement that the rail extend beyond the first step.

There was no public comment.

VOTE:  Mr. Hart made a motion to approve the application as submitted, conditional that the railing installation is per Building Inspector approval and should it require alteration, the owner will need to reapply.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Hart noted the hoods on both entries are exactly the same.

Ms. Bellin rejoined the members at the table.

Other Business

  • FY2012 Survey & Planning Grant
Ms. Guy stated that the City has been invited to submit a full application for a Massachusetts Historical Commission (MHC) Survey and Planning Grant to prepare an update of the interpretive history panels located in several of Salem’s neighborhoods.  The original signs are from the 1970s and are out of date and dilapidated.  The city intends to update the historical text, design and layout for 4+ panels.  She provided a draft letter of support.

VOTE:  Ms. Bellin made a motion to send the letter of support.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Correspondence
Ms. Guy stated that she received a copy of a letter from MHC to KVA Associates, regarding rehabilitation of Collins Middle School & Saltonstall School, finding no adverse effect, for new windows and masonry repairs.

  • Approval of Minutes
VOTE: Ms. Bellin made a motion to approve the minutes of 11/16/12, 11/28/12, 12/7/12, and 12/21/12 as amended.  Ms. McCrea seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

  • Status Update on St. Joseph’s Complex Redevelopment Under Section 106 Review
Ms. Herbert stated that the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation has weighed in and wants DHCD to take another look at their decision. She stated that today’s meeting of the consulting parties has been postponed until a future date and that we are now in a holding pattern.

  • Status Update on 18 Felt Street – ZBA Petition for Variance to be heard on 1/18/11, which will include demolition of house and 2 accessory buildings
Ms. Herbert stated that the developer is now going to save the house.  At the neighborhood meeting last night, neighbors were concerned over what will be built on the other two lots.  She informed them that the Historic Commission has no jurisdiction over what is built.  Ms. Herbert noted that she has gotten estimates for moving the carriage house to the same lot proposed for the house, which will be reduced to 16,000 s.f. feet.  The house went on the market on Friday, with the option to move the carriage house.  She is hopeful that there will be no application to the Commission for waiver of the Demolition Delay Ordinance.

Patty Kelleher, 53 Larchmont Road, asked if the developer is going forward with the original petition to the ZBA for frontage.

Ms. Herbert replied in the affirmative, noting that it is the one piece they will need.  She noted that the proposed configuration to be presented is now different, with the lot line now 10’ to the left of the house.  She stated that they still need 15’ of frontage.

Ms. Kelleher thanked Ms. Herbert for all her efforts.

Mr. Hart stated that Ms. Herbert, as a private citizen, dealt with the developer, sought him out and somehow convinced him to preserve the house.  He stated that Ms. Herbert is owed a debt of gratitude for turning the project around to where the developer has agreed to save the house for at least a period of time.

Ms. Herbert stated that if the developer gets the variance, he now intends to preserve the house with no end date, which she felt was amazing.

VOTE: There being no further business, Ms. McCrea made a motion to adjourn.   Ms. Bellin seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy
Clerk of the Commission